1. Get Attacked At Any Time
In Skyrim, the impending menace of a Dragon attack hung over us at all times, due to the random nature of their presence in the game. With that, we were left anxiously looking over our shoulders every time we saw a dark shadow sweep by us from above. This applied to other antagonists in the game, too. On our travels, we could be attacked at any given time, whether it was by a pack of wolves, bandits, mercenaries, thieves, arachnids, skeevers, forsworn, bears, mountain lions or hagravens. In GTA, the only time we would ever be attacked was if we started a fight with someone or if we had police chasing us down. I believe that the AI should be much more aggressive. It is unrealistic that we are the only instigators of violence in the whole of the GTA universe. In past GTA titles, some pedestrians would carjack us, and of course, there was the threat of gangs who would shoot at us on sight, but again, I think this is something that should be expanded on. What if we were mugged by someone in the street? This could tie in to the interactive AI feature I mentioned earlier. We could also fall victim to random shootings or hit and runs. I think that by making the AI more aggressive and less placid and docile, the GTA experience would be improved enormously. What do you make of these suggestions? Why not share your own in the comments section below.