Grand Theft Auto V PS3 Review

Gtavexplosion If you€™re more about partaking in actual activities instead of sightseeing then fear not, because Rockstar have once again gone above and beyond the call of duty with seemingly endless amounts of entertaining side content. Right off the bat, the inspiration from Red Dead Redemption is evident as the Strangers and Freaks line of side quests return in which you encounter all sorts of warped and idiosyncratic characters that either may want you to stalk celebrities, help legalize marijuana (these missions are incredibly out there and amusing), do some extreme sports, and more. To further flesh out each main protagonist they even are granted their own individual missions with most strangers. There are also numerous random events in the world ranging from hijackings to assisting robberies to driving home hitchhikers and more. It seems as if around every corner is something to distract yourself with. Also returning by popular demand is the ability to buy property ranging from bars to movie theaters to the taxi company but in all honestly it€™s rather disappointingly useless save for the Los Santos Customs which allows for free car modifications upon buying it. I suppose money is more of a novelty than anything in the game, constantly pushing the plot forward. There are some really nifty and revolutionary things you can do with money though besides buy a golf course that you€™ll never use, like trying your hands on the stock market. From each character€™s cell phone dubbed the iFruit is an internet app that lets you browse a fictionalized and satirical version of the internet. You can buy cars that will be directly delivered to your garage, check on some in game news, and generally get lost in another ridiculously detailed feature of the game but the most intriguing is the interactive stock market. Players with a broader awareness of what€™s going on during the story will most likely invest in corporations that may be positively affected by a mission. If you€™re planning a jewelry heist it€™s probably wise to invest in their rival. GTA V There€™s also a fully competent Tennis mini-game to play which is miles more entertaining than Bowling from GTA IV, which probably stems from the fact that Rockstar has experience with creating actual Tennis games. Playing Darts is also mildly amusing as are the interactive strip club private dance mini-games. You also have your traditional races that come in multiple methods of transportation ranging from cars to boats to ATV€™s to jet skis. By far the biggest addition however in terms of side content is something once again derived from Red Dead Redemption; the ability to go hunting. Animals frequently roam around the forests and more rural areas of the game. Some will most likely inevitably become road kill as you unintentionally squash them as they trample on in front of you whilst you€™re blazing down the road. If you ever get the itch to do it more professionally though you can acquire a calling whistle which points you in the right direction of elk, bobcats, mountain lions, and whatever else is roaming around out there. If you€™re more interested in zanier activity it€™s already proven that you can find Bigfoot (for real this time around) or go hunting for the 50 spaceship parts scattered around the world. Trevor can also go on Rampages (yes, they are indeed back), or pick up hitchhikers and mischievously take them to some cannibals living way up in the mountains, or accept bail bond bounty missions. Maybe you feel like investigating a murder mystery too or jumping through hoops to join a religious cult. There is just so much to do that it€™s nigh impossible for any review to cover absolutely everything but I can tell you one thing; once I€™m finally done writing this review I€™m jumping back in to get lost again. Gtav 2 Aside from looking good and playing good, GTA V sounds exceptional too. I€™m not just referring to the cavalcade of gunshots and explosions either but more subtle things, like the shattering of glass or yelps of animals meeting their demise under your tires. The voice acting from a relatively unknown cast is fantastic mitigating the initial disappointment that Rockstar didn€™t contract any major celebrities this time around. This also marks the first time that a GTA game has ever had an orchestrated musical score to emphasize critical plot points instead of just having nothingness or a random song on the radio play. Speaking of the radio stations, there are 15 amounting to a whopping rough estimate of 250 songs, so there€™s potentially something for everyone. Winding down this review (finally), I think it€™s no understatement when I say that GTA V might have the most content ever in a video game that isn€™t an MMO or something without end. The story is smart and socially relevant satire with unforgettable characters, pitch perfect gameplay, and unbelievable graphics that will undoubtedly rival the early days of the next generation. Rockstar have gone above and beyond shattering sales records and deservedly so, for I firmly believe that GTA V will live on as one of the greatest games of all time. Grandtheftautovcoverart Grand Theft Auto V is available now worldwide in most major areas.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.