GTA: 9 Reasons Living There Would Suck

3. Indiscriminate Murder Sprees

gtamurder Playing Grand Theft Auto can be a macabre, yet cathartic way to blow off some steam after a hard day at work. Maybe your boss was a jerk to you, or a customer royally irked you, and you're left feeling agitated. What better way then to let go of your pent up rage than by envisaging these people as pedestrians in Rockstar's sandbox title and pumping some bullets into a bustling sidewalk? We find it helps us relax. But spare a thought for that old lady who's head you just nearly blew off. She wasn't your jerk of a boss, and she wasn't that customer who annoyed you. She was just an old lady, with five grandchildren, a daughter and a pet dog who may or may not have been called Daisy, and now she's dead. All because you had a bad day. That's just one of the burdens of being a citizen in Grand Theft Auto. Your life constantly hangs by a thread, at the mercy of the whimsical actions of a madman with a machine gun.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.