GTA 6: 10 Biggest Items On Fan Wishlists

2. Multiple Locales

Rockstar Games

They can do this by offering up variety elsewhere too.

Yep, some gamers want multiple locations to go along with 5's multi-protagonist idea. Who can blame them? GTA is a series that's expected to expand with every upcoming iteration, and people want a bigger playground to smash up. Whether that's Vice City or not, well, that's another question.

Vice would be nice, but it'd somehow feel like a bit of disappointment if it turned out to be the only locale in GTA 6. A few wishlists brought up the point of going in hiding from the authorities after a major bank robbery, and how it barely makes sense to do this in the same city you've just plundered.

Hopping towns, states or entire countries sounds great in theory, and it'd be even better in execution if Rockstar could dig up a few old favourites. Flying from Vice to San Andreas or Liberty City would bring the series full circle and enable the writers to weave a more intricate story.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.