GTA 6: 10 Crazy Fan Ideas That Must Come True

9. Skateboards/Rollerblades

Tony Hawk Ride

As Tony Hawk once probably said (he didn't), skateboards don't require gas to run. They're pushed forward by thrill-seekers who believe the best way to travel the streets is on a thin sheet of wood. It's about time some of Mr. Hawk's goodness crept into the GTA universe, whether we just made up quotes for him or not.

Rollerblades can come too. Why not? Past GTA titles have included push bikes, so the next natural step in this vehicular evolution is to bring boards and blades along to the party. If nothing else, they'd open up the world to some cool mini-games and add to the pre-existing tennis, golf and shooting distractions.

If Rockstar are going to go with the multi-protagonist idea for 6, then they don't need to make skateboarding and rollerblading open to every character. No, it'd be much more satisfying if only one of these men/women could tear up the tarmac.

Imagine shooting from a skateboard.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.