GTA 6: 6 Brand New Leaked Details You Need To Know About

4. Players Will Travel Outside The United States

GTA V Plane

Another notable detail found in The Know's report is the idea that players will travel outside the United States and head to South America for some missions.

Though there's no concrete details on which countries that includes, it is interesting that Rockstar are internally calling GTA 6 "Project Americas". Note the plural there and start jumping up and down with glee at the prospect of grabbing a flight outside Florida and visiting nations such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay.

Colombia is another location that'd make sense. The Colombian Cartel played a major role in games like GTA 3 and Liberty City Stories, so they've already played a part in the game's universe. Not only that, Vice City fanatics will remember gun-toting angry man Ricardo Diaz entered Vice from Colombia too.

Drug runs could end up being the most high-profile side missions in 6. Bring it on.

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