GTA 6 Online: 6 New Features Rockstar MUST Include

3. A Balanced Economy


The last thing any online gamer wants to see is a hive of intrusive microtransaction prompts and pay-to-win mechanics. Sadly, these have now become the norm in video games. Given that Shark Cards alone have given Rockstar an income over $1 billion, any fool could guess that a similar virtual marketplace will be set up for GTA 6.

It is crucial that Rockstar toe the line with these cards and dial back their importance in comparison to GTA 5. If you cast your mind back to 2013, you’ll remember when you could just play the game and be rewarded for your progress and achievements, rather than your financial contributions post-launch. GTA of 2019 is a very different beast.

You want a missile-firing Deloreon? How about an apartment? A biker gang club-house? You best be prepared to pay for these or grind for hundreds of hours to get the required currency in-game.

A fairer, cosmetic-based market is probably the best that players can realistically hope for. Alternatively, they could sell substantial DLC packs separately. The economy was one issue many Red Dead Online players complained about, so hopefully Rockstar delivers something that motivates players to invest their time rather than their money.


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