GTA 6 Wishlist: 10 Biggest Items We Most Want To See

7. A Lot More Interior Locations


Also, more interiors would be lovely.

The modding community did work hard to build patches for GTA 5 that made more buildings accessible in the game world. Whilst those were fun workarounds, they weren't easily available to more casual gamers who just want to pop a disc into their console and go wild. Rockstar can take up for the modders here.

GTA has needed more emphasis on interiors for a while now. Approx 95% of the game's action takes place outdoors. That isn't exactly awful by any stretch, but going inside to various houses, businesses and other locations would be a sweet change of pace from all that fresh air.

The old robbery mechanic from San Andreas could make another appearance, and Rockstar would do well to harness more of a lived-in feel to places like they did with the Lifeinvader offices in 5. This all goes hand-in-hand with the next wish.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.