GTA Online - 10 Best Tips & Tricks For New Players
With Rockstar giving PS Plus owners $1 million a month, there's PLENTY to enjoy.

GTA Online has been a huge success for Rockstar over the last decade. At the launch of GTA 5 on PS3 in 2013 few would have expected that the same game would still be hugely popular in 2020.
The online portion of GTA 5 has a huge fan base and continues to be of one the most streamed games on a daily basis.
The Playstation 5 launch last week confirmed that GTA Online will be coming to the next generation of consoles. Players have been offered an incentive of $1 million in in-game currency for each month they log in leading up to the PS5's launch later this year.
This will bring a host of new players to GTA Online in the coming months. So if you are new to the online world of San Andreas, here are the best tips and tricks to get you going.
10. Do NOT Skip The Tutorial

While it might seem straight forward, do not skip the tutorial at the start of your GTA Online journey. Even if you are used to Grand Theft Auto games, if you haven't played GTA Online, the tutorial is a must.
The tutorial only takes an hour with Lemar from the main story returning to show you the ropes after you land in the city. You learn about everything from Reputation Points (RP), Job Points (JP), car races, basic missions as well as much more.
After entering the game it can be easy to mistake it for a copy of the normal single player game, just with the addition of other players in the same world.
However, there is so much to take into consideration so it is vital you pick up the basics the tutorial can show you.