GTA Online: 10 Most Outrageous Stories From Los Santos

7. An Inspiration To Us All In case you've ever wondered what would happen should you use a Cargobob to carry a tourist ride all the way to the stratosphere, this educational video is going to be right up your alley. Here we have a dozen of players enjoying the view until the guy in the helicopter detaches their truck miles above Los Santos. Naturally, all of them leave the vehicle and use their parachutes to "safely" return to the ground. That doesn't make this undertaking any less hectic, though.

6. Rocketing Down Mount Chiliad We all knew this had to happen. A supercar race down the biggest slope in Los Santos - with the only issue being that even SUVs can barely traverse the roads there. What you'll witness is a combination of everything that makes driving and racing in GTA:O awesome. An odd crash here and there, sick jumps and a bunch of weird landing angles. As well as the brilliantly broken physics - Newton is turning in his grave just about now.

An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.