GTA Online: 10 Reasons Why It's The Perfect Time To Revisit San Andreas

10. Better Connectivity

Remember the servers at release? How could any of us forget? You and a bunch of friends no doubt waited tirelessly for that first day of Online to find only an endless vat of glitches and disappointment. A couple of you probably made it into a lobby together while the rest ran around, constantly disconnecting as they tried to get in. Meanwhile one of you was stuck in the floor and the final straggler (this being me) was still trying to clear that awful tutorial. It was an exercise in monotony none of us wish to relive. Thankfully such issues are a thing of the past. Servers are smoother and more secure with only the occasional interference from lag. Finding your friends and crew is also done for you. If your mates are already playing then nine times out of ten you'll spawn in their world right from the start, giving you fewer loading screens to sift through.

English graduate with a massive ego and even bigger forehead. He is currently working menial retail jobs as a front for his quest to take over the Earth.