GTA Online: 10 Reasons Why It's The Perfect Time To Revisit San Andreas

7. Free Stuff!

Starting GTA Online at this late stage might seem daunting. After all many of its players are now high-levelled and tricked out with the best guns and cars money can buy, yet Rockstar has since made efforts to correct this imbalance. Firstoff the Sawn-off Shotgun and small-but-deadly SNS Pistol both come totally free once you've installed all the updates and signed up to the social club. You also get a free garage for signing up too, so you don't have to spend the first few hours grinding just for a safe place to spawn in Los Santos. And of course there's the BF Bifta, a nippy little beach car that can dominate the track when it comes to off-road racing. It's not uncommon to enter a race and find half the players rocking a rainbow of these things all in a straight line. This too is completely free as of the Beach Bum Expansion Pack. While not free the brand new Gusenberg Sweeper is also available right from the start, a terrific automatic weapon that levels the playing field when it comes to online missions and deathmatches.

English graduate with a massive ego and even bigger forehead. He is currently working menial retail jobs as a front for his quest to take over the Earth.