In a brilliant move for the franchise, GTA V saw the introduction of a character with a family to take care of, however this family are more than a little accustomed to the way the man of the house does business. Now their are a wealth of moral quandaries to be discussed through the implication that a career-criminal who has a penchant for passive-aggressive behaviour has raised two children, in the game his interaction with the aforementioned give way to some fantastic missions and GTA Moments. One of the best being when Michael and Trevor pair up to pay a visit to the games version of a Pop-Idol/X-Factor-style show, only for the two to commandeer a large truck and run down the shows host, before making him dance trouserless for their amusement. Thats not to mention Michaels introduction being a fantastic reveal (that hes already in the back of the car youre trying to steal), which then feeds into him having a showdown with a character you were waiting to be served a few knuckle-smoothies anyway.