GTA V: 10 Actor Cameos We Want To See

7. Emilio Rivera


This guy puts both the 'hard' and the 'working' into hard-working His current IMDb resume shows an astonishing 19 projects for 2012/2013. If however he could be persuaded to skip a lunch break from one of his many films/TV roles and pop into Take Two's studio, he could do any role for GTAV in his sleep. Not quite sure why he'd be sleeping in his lunch break though. Maybe he is working too hard after all.

Anyway, I bet even when he's asleep he's as hard as a coffin-nail (line from Snatch, see later in list) If all the 'gangsta' roles are taken, Emilio could also stand-in as a stand-up, akin to Kat Stevens & Gervais in GTAIV. Yup, Emilio also does stand-up comedy. I'm guessing he doesn't get too many hecklers.


When not overthrowing governments MuddledMuppet can be found on youtube making mockery of life with slightly better than average gameplay.