GTA V is finally in our hands! Yes, most of us have now been able to spend a good few hours getting to grips with Rockstar's latest masterpiece, and though I certainly have my minor gripes with it - the graphics, for one, are nowhere near as good as in the trailers - there's little disputing the fact that it is largely a distillation of everything that has ever been brilliant about these games. I've played the game for 9 hours so far, and have completed 27 missions alongside various other time-wasters, which has brought me to 24% completion. I feel like I've experienced enough of the story mode to cherry-pick my 10 favourite missions so far, and given how ridiculously entertaining the campaign is as a whole, it certainly wasn't easy. Here are 10 awesome GTA V missions we've played so far, and of course,
10. Prologue

GTA V gets off to a bang with a flashback to 9 years ago, as Michael and Trevor rob a bank, though of course, it goes horribly wrong, ending with Franklin going on the run, Michael faking his death with the help of the FIB, and your buddy Brad being hauled into jail. This is easily the most memorable and intense opening mission to any GTA game, throwing players right into the thick of it, and getting them acquainted with the new combat mechanics from the get-go. The fact that this mission essentially frames the rest of the story makes it clear from the start that it will have a huge bearing on how the story plays out, particularly the uneasy partnership between Trevor and Michael, as well as the mysterious Brad, who remains locked up in prison. It may not last too long, but it gets GTA V off to a running start.