GTA V: 10 Awesome Missions We've Played So Far

2. Fame Or Shame

Gta V I1 Yet another hugely satirical mission, Fame Or Shame has Michael finding out from Jimmy that his precocious daughter, Tracy, is trying out her "talents" as a "dancer" on Lazlow Jones' reality-TV show Fame or Shame. Disgusted by the idea, Michael and Trevor (who has known Tracy since she was a baby) head down to the arena to have a not-so-polite word with Lazlow and rescue Tracy. After a hilariously sleazy cut-scene, Michael and Trevor chase Lawlow out of the building, pursuing his car through the streets in a branded (and extremely slow) Fame or Shame truck. Once you get into the aqueducts, Lawlow will finally give up, and you'll give him a stern talking to. It's great that, after having been involved in so many games in the GTA franchise, Lazlow is finally properly engaged with in a story mission, though Rockstar didn't quite go so far as to offer us the chance to kill him (which, I suppose, would have infringed on his future employment prospects).

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]