GTA V: 10 Awkward Features That Need Improving

6. Driving Mechanics

I€™ve gone through several stages in my experience of GTA IV€™s driving mechanics. At first I hated it. Then I got used to it and I could deal. Then I got good at it and I started to love it. I€™m still playing GTA IV now but recently I€™ve started to become re-aware of its flaws. Sometimes, in certain cars, it feels like there€™s too much atmospheric resistance, as though you€™re driving through syrup. And taking corners at speed is often a feat of skill which only the most skilled (or luckiest) of gamer€™s can accomplish. Often, you€™ll find yourself overshooting the mark; at which point it usually takes that little bit too much time to get yourself rolling again. Yes, GTA IV€™s driving mechanics are sometimes a little awkward and can get frustrating at times. This isn€™t a new criticism; many fans of the series are with me. While I€™m not saying that GTA IV is a bad game because of it, no, no, I actually think it€™s probably one of, if not the best game in the franchise so far. However, I can€™t help but feel that R* will have taken player criticism into account when crafting their newest title. If rumours are to be believed, R* have split the difference with GTA IV; they€™ve attempted to reincorporate some of the more arcade-like elements that made Vice City and San Andreas so popular, while still attempting to recreate some of GTA IV€™s emphasis on realism. That€™s if rumours are to be believed. Let€™s hope they are.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.