1. The Gang Banger

No GTA game set in the fictional district of Los Santos would be complete without a trip to the setting of arguably the most well received title in the series: San Andreas. Itd be equally as incomplete without a reference to the legendary Grove Street Family of the games fictionalised 80s. Perhaps, should the setting of GTA V be present day (which from screenshots, Im inclined to believe that it is), then this Gang Banger character is a remnant of the boys in green we know and love so much. Perhaps we could even meet an aging CJ here, whose missions address the problems that modern policing have wreaked on organised crime.
Possible Voice Artists: Young Maylay,
Terry Crews,
Snoop Dogg So there's our list! L.A is a big place though and there's every chance we've missed some out. Have your say and let us know who you expect to meet in the insanely anticipated Grand Theft Auto V