GTA V: 10 Classic Songs That Must Be Included

2. Motley Crue - Dr Feelgood Dr Feelgood? Now, that depending on who you talk to, will dictate what this song is actually about. In my eyes, it's about alcohol and the whole escapism that comes with it. In someone else's it might be about drugs, and the high that you experience when trying your luck with the gooey muck.

1. KISS - Calling Dr. Love Let's pull it back in to a love classic, with a rocky punch. Dr Love is pretty similar to Dr Feelgood regarding meaning and overall intensity. Personally, I think driving along Sunset Boulevard with this on, shooting some poor innocents will make GTA 5 the best in the series yet. What I'd really like to see is a more cinematic approach to the game. You bust out of a building, being chased by the law, and rather than a random song coming on, the game dictates what it plays, namely Dr Feelgood, and bam! Back in the action. List below your personal soundtrack for the game!

Tom is a British writer residing in the south of England. A dystopian Sci-Fi fan, his interests range from movies and gaming, all the way through to the new journalism of Hunter S. Thompson, and everything crazy in-between.