3. It Is Illegal For Any Person To Be Denied Sunshine
I'm anticipating a certain level of lazyness from my readers, probably almost the same level of laziness I exhibited in writing this article, in breaking this law I propose that we do so without killing the citizen. The Road Less Travelled may be the harder one to take, but it is ultimately more fulfilling. Once again we use a full lobby of players to 'shunt' our victim into the middle of a group of cars, gently now, we don't want to run him over, then more cars are used to drive on top of the other cars, our cadilac cavelcade making a toyota tepee, a pontiac pavilion blocking that pesky sun. We're probably doing him sone good by this in reducing his risk of skin cancer, so to even the scales blow some cigarette smoke in his general direction while he's in there Even better, do this to a fireman, and curse him while doing so. A fireman with a moustache in fact. And do it in a church. Wearing swimwear and singing too.