GTA V: 10 Destructive Driving Games To Play While You Wait

5. Destruction Derby

One of the originals, and still one of the finest destructive games ever released, thanks to a purer devotion to vehicular combat, but without the frills and ornamentation of weaponry or interactive environments that could be used to scupper opponents' hopes of victories. Instead, Destruction Derby was about pointing the nose of your car at someone else's front grill and slamming the pedal to the metal to cause some serious harm to your opponents. Sort of like dodgems, only with the more distinct likelihood of broken bones. There was still some tactical requirement as well as the ramming though, with a damage gauge indicating which parts of your own car were about to pack in, requiring the informed player to change their driving and attack styles to protect the most damaged areas before they turned black and ended the match. Destruction Derby might not have been the deepest or most diverse driving experience (though there were several modes), that was never really a problem, with the game trading heavily on the joyous experience of turning a race arena into a royale rumble on wheels. Now, surely someone should be at least considering re-releasing this?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.