GTA V: 10 Features We'd Love To See on the Improved Smart Phone

8. Real-World Photo Uploads

Years ago, if you saw something in a video game like a crazy glitch or secret area or easter egg, the only way you could prove it was to actually have the people you wanted to show it to in the room with you when you found it, or you could just tell your friends and hope they believed you. But now with advances in recording technology you can save hours of game footage and post it to sites like YouTube for the whole world to see. In San Andreas, you could take photos of anything you wanted and save them to your memory card, but what if you could send that picture to the real-world? Another sand-box game, Saints Row: The Third, let players upload their own created characters to a website where they could be viewed and downloaded by other players. Why not have something similar for photos/videos in GTA V? You could take a picture of something in the game, then upload it to a website where you can share it with the world. Something like this would be better for sharing moments than having to rush about trying to find a camera when you find something cool in the game or having to make sure you€™re recording the session before you start on the off-chance you find something worthy of sharing.

7. 'Special' Features

Sleeping Dogs hacking One of my favourite games recently has been Sleeping Dogs. A game many people dubbed yet another €˜GTA clone€™, Sleeping Dogs was a perfect mix of story-telling, melee combat, fantastic shooting mechanics and sand-box gameplay. One of the best features was the phone that could do seemingly anything. Hack into computer system, trace a call, plant a bug €“ this phone could do it all. So wouldn€™t it be cool if GTA V did something similar? Maybe your character (or one of the three characters you€™ll be able to play as) will get given a piece of software that upgrades your phone part-way through the game, giving you access to certain areas or gameplay elements you couldn€™t get to before. One of the missions hinted at in the trailers seems to be some sort of bank heist, so wouldn€™t a phone that could hack into security systems be helpful for that?

Been gaming since the Megadrive. Loves Batman, Futurama and Blackburn Rovers. Mild obsession with collecting steelbooks.