GTA V: 10 Hilarious Websites You Must Visit


Gtavdrive The San Andreas DMV website is especially important for us in Grand Theft Auto because whenever we're transporting ourselves somewhere, we're driving. As stated on the website, "It is simply impossible to survive in this state without a car. Walking is considered to be a sign of weakness, poverty or insanity." Since we've be driving so often, it's important that we know the rules. That's why there's a test to see how well you know how to drive! You can click on the link to take the test on the bottom right hand of the screen. Here's a sample question: "The correct driving position is: A: Seat in an upright position, with one hand gripping the steering wheel at 6 o'clock. B: Slumped down below window level with the seat fully reclined, smoking a massive fatty, for medical purposes. C: One hand down your pants, the other sexting, with the seat pushed forward so you can steer with your knees. D: Tearing down the freeway at 100mph while applying make-up, drinking a 40oz Bean Machine Gunkacchino and updating your Lifeinvader status." The answer is all the above, right? What are your favourite in-game websites in GTA V? Let us know in the comment section, below.

Richelle's obsessions include comics, films, and video games. She loves Brian K. Vaughan's Ex Machina and Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master.