GTA V: 10 Hilarious Websites You Must Visit


Jock Cranley Jock Cranley, a conservative candidate for Governor, has his own website promoting himself. If you click at the top middle link, you can view Jock's pledges. He pledges to "fight for every citizen of San Andreas, and to fight particularly hard for the underdog - the white, God-fearing heterosexual that this country now hates." Under Jock's pledges, you can also learn about everything he stands for. He is pro Constitution, family values, life, and freedom of speech. Of course, there are exceptions or disclaimers to all of these. For instance, he is pro life, and uses his acting skills in politics. At least he's honest about these things... His website also has a test to see if you are a true patriot or not. This can be found at the top right link or at the bottom of the page. Here's a sample question: "When you see an image of a dead polar bear on a melted ice cap, it... A. Reminds you to change the channel to Weazel News and renew your hunting license. B. Reminds you to recycle and volunteer at homeless shelters. C. Reminds you to go and car bomb an oil company executive."

Richelle's obsessions include comics, films, and video games. She loves Brian K. Vaughan's Ex Machina and Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master.