GTA V: 10 Hilarious Websites You Must Visit


Gtadrugs There are electronic cigarettes, and that's all fine and dandy, but what about for those of us that prefer hardcore drugs? Well, now there's the Electrotoke electronic pipe, which "converts hard drugs to harmless water vapor." As the site says, "Have you ever wished that your meth would taste like tiramisu? Or your PCP like cheeseburger?" Well, now you can have that. There are over 1000 different flavors, such as eggnog meth, grape bubblegum heroin, crack-flavored heroin, or heroin-flavored meth. You can click the link on the right to find all of these delicious flavors and more. The Electrotoke is great for a number of reasons. Here are some of them: "With the Electrotoke, you don't have to concern yourself with restrictive drug and smoking laws. It's almost certainly legal to smoke the Electrotoke ANYWHERE. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, church, on the freeway, in prison, at your desk, children's birthday parties. And no more jonesing on long-haul flights... the Electrotoke keeps you mile-high and in good spirits. In a probably safe and arguably legal way."

Richelle's obsessions include comics, films, and video games. She loves Brian K. Vaughan's Ex Machina and Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master.