GTA V: 10 Moments From Far Cry 3 Rockstar Won’t Beat

7. Falling

FC3 dive Bit of an odd one this, but it's an area that Far Cry does so well, with very little appreciation. I bet you didn't even consider it, but you know when you jump into water in most games and instantly snap buoyantly to the surface? That's not right. In Far Cry 3, you plunge. There's even a dive animation if you fall for long enough. Jumping out of planes or off of waterfalls is a thrill, no doubt, but the sensation of piercing the surface and becoming instantly submergered in crystal waters is quite another. Falling becomes even more exciting about half way through the game when you acquire the wing-suit, deployable at the slightest of heights, so you can swoop off buildings at night having just beaten someone up while doing that terrible Christian Bale Batman voice to yourself.

Ciarán Utting loves video games and books with pictures of speedboats on the cover. There's plenty more of his drivel on Twitter @CiaranUtting