GTA V: 10 New Multiplayer Facts We Learned

2. Cash Needs To Be Deposited In An ATM (For Your Own Good)

Gta V 6 Much like the insurance announcement, another weird addition to GTA Online is that you periodically need to deposit your cash into an ATM, or risk losing it forever. When you earn cash, it goes straight into your wallet, and if you're murdered while out - whether it's during a mission or not - your wallet will simply be lying by your corpse, with any passing perp able to steal it and pocket all your cash. As such, after pulling off a big heist or robbing a liquor store, you need to deposit cash in a nearby ATM, such that if you are executed, the perp will be left empty-handed. Some places such as Ammu-Nation and the real-estate brokers do apparently accept debit cards, so you won't need to be walking around Los Santos with a gigantic wad of money at any given time. I can just see it now; someone tries to take you down, and your first thought? Punch the gas and race to the nearest ATM to deposit the cash before you die.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]