GTA V: 10 Reasons I Hated Trevor

1. Butchering Floyd and Debra

Trevor Copy2 As if ruining Floyd's house wasn't bad enough leading up to this point, Trevor bursts into the apartment after hearing Debra questioning who's outside. What follows is one of Trevor's dividing speeches about his childhood, referencing the fact his father wasn't nice to him, and exclaiming that as broken as this new home was, it was all he had. Obviously, Debra is having none of it, being that Trevor is an essentially homeless man who barged his way into hers, therefore she repeatedly asks him to leave, eventually brandishing a gun whilst Floyd picks up a knife to defend himself from whatever's to come. Trevor states that the pair are "not very f*cking nice!" before the screen cuts to black, and the next shot shows a blood-covered Trevor emerging from the apartment. Now further revelations into Trevor's character allude to him viewing Debra and Floyd as his childhood parents arguing, therefore this triggered something deep inside him that made him lose it, as is potentially evident in his posture when leaving the apartment. However, on first playthrough my jaw remained on the floor throughout the resulting mission, as not only could I believe he'd killed these innocent people in such a way as to be literally covered in blood, but he then continues to lie to Wade about it, who is one of his most loyal friends. So there we go, ten reasons I initially hated Trevor and never got on board with his character whatsoever. I think in the time since finishing the game and reading interviews with voice actor Steven Ogg about his supposed motivations, there is more depth to the character, and maybe it's Rockstar's unending tinkering with narrative structures that has you actively wanting to seek out the answers to Trevor's story à la the end of Red Dead Redemption. Even so, I still remain pretty nonplussed by his actions through the game. What did you guys think? There's a whole wealth of praise for his character permeating the interwebs, so please let me know what you think of what has to be Rockstar's most divisive character yet.
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