GTA V: 10 Reasons It Will Be Game Of The Year

2. It Was Massively Expensive


GTA games tend to cost a few pennies to develop. For example, GTA IV had a development cost of £63 million ($100 million). GTA V apparently has cost (so far) £87 million ($137.5 million) to develop, which includes everything from paying wages (from the developers to the actors), energy bills, licensing for songs, marketing, distribution, bacon sandwiches, tea, research etc.

Rockstar would not spend that kind of money (especially in hard economic times) unless they were determined to bring us the best game possible, which is why they delayed the game until the 17th September, to ensure they can do just that. The longest way round is the shortest way home. By spending more time and money getting everything right, they€™ll be able to deliver a much higher quality product.


A self-motivated, dedicated and responsible person. A strong interest and wide knowledge of computer software, primarily in gaming development. I have interests in music, film and TV. Other interests include current affairs, motoring, drawing and history. I have a strong and life-long interest in computer games starting way back in 1994. (FYI: It is East Yorkshire NOT (North) Humberside)