GTA V: 10 Reasons It’s So Unbelievably Hyped

2. Multiplayer

I played GTA IV over Xbox Live last night; there€™s still a huge active community who€™re pretty much still taking part in every available activity; even today, some 4 years after its release. Rockstar are amazing at retaining players after they€™ve beaten their games€™ main campaigns, and that€™s because they spend time and money on crafting a fun, satisfying online multiplayer mode. Those that are still playing GTA IV online are surely desperate by now to get their hands on GTA V, to dive into the multiplayer modes and see exactly how they€™re going to be spending their next four years. For many, games without competitive online modes are a waste of time; but with GTA V€™s multiplayer pretty much historically guaranteed to represent something special, even those guys are jumping on the GTA hype bandwagon.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.