GTA V: 10 Reasons Trevor Is One Of The Greatest Video Game Characters Ever

2. Trevor Symbolises What GTA Personifies

Gta Train Let€™s not kid ourselves here: the most infamous aspect of GTA is the ability to wreck unabashed havoc in a fictional city modelled after something grounded in reality. Whether you€™re paying prostitutes to blow you so you can immediately murder them afterwards to get your precious money back, or you're getting in a tank to just blow everything to kingdom come, GTA is about causing destruction and violent bloodlust. And even though the franchise has starred its fair share of morally-imbalanced protagonists, none of the above have ever really melded together with the narratives in the various games. Trevor is a caricature of how we play GTA and brilliantly provides context to our heinous actions. Rockstar even brought back the Rampage missions exclusively for Trevor due to how well they mesh with his character. €œOf course I€™m going to toss a grenade on that a*shole€™s car for scraping my ride - I€™m playing as Trevor!€

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.