GTA V: 10 Reasons Why It Will Rule 2012

2. Multiplayer There is a definite trend in this generation to put a lot of time and money into the multiplay experience and Rockstar aren't stupid. As if the huge environment to explore and story to complete weren€™t enough, Rockstar have promised and extensive multiplayer experience. What does this mean for 2012? no more sunlight for us gamers, as we prepare to spend the rest of the year shooting each other in the face at various locations through the huge map that will be GTA 5. If you've played the Max Payne multiplayer you'll know that Rockstar have fine tuned their multiplayer skills to create a smooth and slick online experience. Ideas from Max Payne's multiplayer combined with the GTA 4's online experience make from some interesting promises regarding what GTA 5 will be able to achieve.
