GTA V: 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Excited

9. Smarter Phones

One of the biggest new additions to GTA IV, the mobile phone! Shame it wasn€™t quite as useful as the real thing, the inclusion of the mobile was smart in that it was easier to receive mission details, take part in outside activities, and even access multiplayer modes, but it could have been smarter. Wouldn€™t it be perfect if we received or could buy newer models at shops that included the internet and mobile emails instead of running to an internet cafe to check emails? Imagine surfing the ingame internet to buy new properties, it would be virtual convenience. The variety of models with varying cosmetic looks would be nice for personalisation too; I€™m dying to see the GTA€™s equivalent of the iPhone.

Maker of bread, jammie dodgers, clothing for middle class men and twisted dark fantasy films, in my own time I'm also a free-lance writer. I lie, I'm only a free-lance writer with a love for those predecessors, and a love for video games for that matter! I'm here to spread that love in article form for you all.