GTA V: 10 Reasons You'd Be Insane Not To Play

4. The Automobiles

In fact, you might not have realised since it€™s now like an anthem in the cult gamer€™s world, but it€™s Grand Theft AUTO! Automobile! One thing that stands as the soul of the series, cars, have been Rockstar€™s way of spoiling us. I remember my mate, Wayne, muting his TV (profanities and children do not mix in his world) and giving the controller to his daughter.

Just to say that 4 wheels, an engine and a steering wheel charms not only us, but kids too. Whether you fancy tearing the asphalt on a motorbike, a sedan, a carbage truck or a suave Porsche (something that looks similar, licences aren€™t the great thing, but who cares? Not this writer! Do you?), driving in a world with climatic cycle gives it an extraordinary charm. Especially when the lighting effects gradually recreate the break of dawn while you€™re driving back with blood in your hands and bullet holes in the passenger seat, so cars!!!!


Danny is a consultant, writer & journalist from London into what he describes as a "little bit of everything". He has been into literature, photography & the arts since his teenage years, and has also ended up fluent in French after just over a decade of exposure to the Anglo-French culture of L'Île Maurice. He has an avid interest in psychology, neuroscience, the arts, and his city, London. To find out more about his writings, artwork and other updates, please feel free to visit his website ( or follow him on Twitter (@DannyDPurb)