GTA V: 10 Repeated Rockstar Errors It Must Avoid

9. Nothing To Spend Money On


Another minor irritation, but what€™s the point of having all that money if there€™s nothing to spend it on? This problem first arose in GTA III, with ridiculously high rewards for completed missions, but no outlet to blow all that hard-earned cash. However, as the game was merely a breakthrough, this was forgivable, and subsequent GTA III era games improved upon this, up to San Andreas where property, clothes and car-modifications just some of the things we could purchase. Then came GTA IV, no property, very little clothing, and certainly no car mods. Whilst it could be argued that GTA IV was again another breakthrough title as GTA III was, this left fans a little disappointed. Whilst it has been made clear that property will not feature in Rockstar€™s latest instalment, they have also announced that the game will include a "vibrant and fun" economy system, leaving us optimistic that there will be plenty on offer to purchase.

20 year old Sport Development an Coaching student who is a self confessed sports fanatic. Lifelong Bradford Bulls and Newcastle United fan who spends far too much time on the internet searching pointless sporting information, Sean is a 50 year old man in a much younger body, and particularly shows a passion for Rugby League. Follow him on twitter @seanmills9