This week saw the release of
several teaser images from Rockstars upcoming release of GTA V revealing that yes, there will be vehicles and places in the game. Still, with no news on gameplay we have been left to dream of what may or may not be included in the finished GTA V package. Even since GTA IV launched, the sandbox game scene has changed dramatically and each new game in the genre has bought new or re-imagined ideas to the table, each with their own successes and failures. We here at WhatCulture hope that Rockstar have been taking note of such releases and borrow these 10 top features for GTA V.
10. Vehicle Hijacking
Saints Row the Third Considering the vast majority of your time spent in GTA involves driving, getting in and out of cars has never been particularly fast or elegant. Whether it was waltzing up to a car to get in, only to have Niko open the door and proceed to stand motionless beside it or being thrown clean into the air because the car you thought was stationary was still moving at .5 mph. Suffice to say it was all very awkward and very frustrating. Saints Row looked at the age old press button to enter vehicle paradigm and thought; how can we make this better yet crazier. Their solution was a simple, when sprinting towards a vehicle, a quick tap of a button would cause you to launch into the air through the windshield and boom! Your away. Of course, at present this wouldnt quite fit into the semi-realistic world that Rockstar is trying to create, however the idea itself is a sound one and the ability for an easy way to get moving quickly would be a welcome addition to the series.