2. GTA IV Universe
The events that occurred in Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV will have some impact in GTA V. Dan Houser
stated that it was difficult to take the events from the previous game over to Grand Theft Auto V because at the end of GTA IV, you had to make a choice. Therefore, most of the cast in GTA IV won't be in GTA V as most of them were killed off. At the end of 'Liberty City Stories', we witnessed Patrick McReary take off on a west-bound jet. Some said he was going to Los Santos, some said Vice City: it was unclear. Houser confirmed that Packie won't be in GTA V, but there
will be references to the McRearies somewhere down the line. I'd personally love to see references to Niko Bellic. I also hope that we'll see more 'light-hearted' characters with the likes of: Roman, Yusuf Amir and Badman.