9. Sell It Twice
It wasn't long after the game's release that people discovered how to make an infinite amount of money. By this I am of course referring to the famous glitch that allows you to sell the same vehicle twice or as many times as you want. The way this worked has been explained several different ways. The basic gist of it though was that you took any of the vehicles kept in your garage (preferably the very expensive ones) to any of the Los Santos Customs locations to sell it. Right as the sale is made hit start and load the game by switching back to the same character. You will be back in your garage with the vehicle you just sold and the money you made from the sale. Afterwards you simply had to repeat the process until your coiffeurs were full. Rockstar caught onto their mistake after several gamers begin posting videos on Youtube about the exploit and subsequently many accounts became rich overnight. Now let me put a nasty rumor to rest. Rockstar does not, repeat not, ban accounts for exploiting the game. This is a stupid rumor started by jealous gamers who didn't figure out how to exploit the game first (or still couldn't figure it out after watching the videos). Think about it. Why would Rockstar release a game about exploiting the world as a criminal, but then punish players for exploiting the game in a criminal manner? That just wouldn't make any sense. Rockstar has come out to say that they don't mind players taking advantage of exploits they have discovered, but will be fixing this loophole with the release of their most current patch. To see how selling cars twice was accomplished in the past take a look at this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnl3yAhfAP0&feature=share&list=SPkofHfJ25Hvv7j7rsKb81jemlsAfYhpHD
Michael Thompson
aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation
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