GTA V: 5 Amazing Possibilities For Next Generation Gameplay

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share Grand Theft Auto games are all about the unique experience. No one gamer plays the same way. In the GTA universe, virtually anything can happen - which is perfectly illustrated by this video which just goes to show how random an experience GTA games can be. Fortunately, that particular player was filming his gameplay for a stunt jump video but what if he wasn't? So many wonderful moments in GTA games have likely gone unrecorded and undocumented simply because the player didn't have a camcorder to hand. Say hello to the Share button, a feature on the PlayStation 4 that allows the gamer to automatically upload their gameplay. This makes sitting in front of the TV with a camera waiting for something crazy to happen a thing of the past, now, if something extraordinary befalls you while playing GTA, you can instantly upload and share it with friends, which makes the experience of playing the game all that more fun.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.