GTA V: 5 New Things We Can't Wait To See And Do In Los Santos

1. Underwater Exploration

gtav The Grand Theft Auto series has come a long way since those archaic days when you'd be "wasted" after spending more than a second in a body of water. Our characters can hack the wet stuff these days, so much so, swimming has started to become more of a focal point in the series, with some missions actually requiring it. GTA V aims to take that up a notch by including a thriving, underwater world for us to explore, complete with shipwrecks, plant life, fish, (and yes, sharks,) as well as a submarine for us to hop into for that added bit of security. We'll also be able to kit ourselves out in scuba-diving attire complete with oxygen tank, flippers and goggles, for the most realistic underwater experience in any GTA game to date. This is a particular feature that I personally cannot wait for. Above the ocean, the thriving metropolises and busy streets were fun, but grew stale quickly, as did the forested and desert regions of San Andreas. By including an immersive, underwater world, Rockstar are essentially making an already huge and expansive open world that little bit bigger, and with it are adding more replay value to the series. Which feature excites you the most about GTA V? Let us know in the comment section, below. Like this article? Follow Joseph on Twitter.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.