GTA V: 5 Terrible Side Missions We Don't Want To See

1. Hidden Packages/Flying Rats


Is there anything more boring than going around a fictional city, trying to locate hundreds of hidden packages, or as they were in GTA IV, pigeons to shoot? They are hidden in the most awkward of places and it was always incredibly difficult to find even a few of them without stumbling across them yourself accidentally or having a map to pinpoint their exact location. But even with the map handy, miss one and you will have to go all the way back through the places you already checked to find it again. This was a massive reason why I never achieved total 100% completion on GTA IV, along with presumably a lot of other gamers. Personally, I just find the monotony of trying to find them mind-numbingly boring when there are plenty of far more fun activities out there within Liberty City (Or Vice City, or San Andreas). Oh, and how about the constant Wanted Level that you would obtain when you shot the pigeons in GTA IV? I'm sure a lot of fans have memories of trying to evade the seemingly ever-present police after shooting a pigeon. If this kind of side mission was to never make an appearance in GTA again, I would be overjoyed. Agree or disagree with this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

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