GTA V: 5 Things We Learned From "Official" Trailer

5. Blaine County Looks Beautiful

Desert GTA V will take the player back to the sprawling world of San Andreas but, more specifically, to Los Santos and Blaine County. Blaine County is a new location in the fictitious universe and a reimagining of "Bone County" that featured in 2004's San Andreas. Like Bone County, Blaine County is an open desert region that is also home to Mount Chiliad and going off the recent screenshots and captured video footage it looks like a pretty beautiful place. Here, we see cacti growing from the barren wasteland as a train chunders through, with mountainous regions looming in the background just below the orange, fading sun. It looks like something from a western. And if it's anything like Bone County, Blaine County is going to be one of our favourite locations. The desert regions of San Andreas make a nice chance from the continuous streets and pavements found in Liberty City and though we enjoyed the metropolitan setting, it's nice to have a bit of variety.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.