7. Graphics

While Rockstar has confirmed that GTA V is not using the hyper-realistic state of the art facial motion capture from LA Noire due to resource consumption, they are utilizing Max Payne 3's RAGE engine to its fullest extent. This is most apparent during cut-scenes as they look ripped straight from Max Payne 3 but obviously swapped with different characters and environments. Animations and facial expressions are also similar and of course, ridiculously polished and detailed. Max Payne 3 was one of the larger inspirations for GTA V on a technological level which this article will continue to expand upon. Even without LA Noire's facial technology, Rockstar definitely learned a thing or two overseeing Team Bondi recreate 1940's Los Angeles. GTA V is easily the best looking game Rockstar has ever created but even more impressively, it is also quite possibly the most graphically impressive game ever released.