GTA V: 8 Confirmed Missions We Know Will Be Awesome

5. Pest Control

Pest A mission we€™ve known about since the first trailer, Pest Control looks to be classic GTA. Not related in any way to the mission of the same name in GTA IV, it involves all three heroes trying to steal as much money as they can. Pretty standard, if it wasn€™t for the major gameplay changes it heralds. Pest Control is one of six heists in the game; side missions with a major cash reward that require a bit more thought that just bursting in with a machine gun. In an Assassin€™s Creed like move these missions require planning - scout out the target area, steal the correct cars etc. - and have multiple methods of completion; you can burst in €˜loud and dumb€™ or sneak in the €˜smart€™ way. There€™s been an increasing focus on choice in previous GTAs and other recent Rockstar games have pushed that further, so it€™s nice to see it appear in Los Santos.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.