GTA V: 8 Ways Rockstar Can Live Up To The Hype Grand Theft Auto, as it originally existed in my mind, was about letting go and diving into an over-the-top endeavor of senseless digital violence. With the added bonus of having some great humor thrown into the mix it created a perfect getaway from real life. As the series evolved from a 2D top-down adventure, to a 3D playground of chaos, it was inevitable that by next-gen platforms the Rockstar team would want to expand the experience, and they did. Once GTAIV launched, I lost countless hours to the game and the Niko Bellic story, but something about it didn't quite feel Grand Theft Auto. Without a doubt, Rockstar is constantly pushing the limits of what video games can accomplish, and whether you loved GTA IV or hated it, chances are you're hoping for the best with the next installment. With any luck, Rockstar will find a perfect balance between evolving the Grand Theft Auto property into a living breathing criminal world and the classic chaotic gameplay we all fell in love with. What are your thoughts on GTA V? How can Rockstar live up the insanely high levels of hype surrounding a title without an even approximate release date? Let us know in the comments below!


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