GTA V: Latest News And Release Date Speculation

Rockstar Officially Request Ideas From Fans

Those of you familiar with Max Payne 3, another Rockstar title, will also be aware of "Crews" (above), a multiplayer feature which allows players to team up and participate in online modes as a group. Rockstar have revealed that Crews will make its way into GTA V, and are even asking for your help on the matter. According to a recent post on the Rockstar Games Blog, GTA V developers are looking for your help:
€œWhether it€™s suggestions for competitive in-game Crew features in Multiplayer, new ways to manage and recruit, ideas for enhancing Social Club Crew pages and leaderboards, things you did and didn€™t like about Crews in Max Payne 3, or any thoughts at all related to Crews really that you€™d like to share €“ we€™re all ears. We€™d especially love to hear from current Crew members and leaders so that we can continue making our unique approach to persistent team based Multiplayer as fun as it can be in GTAV.€
Crew ideas should be sent to the following email address €“ There we are then, that's your round up of the latest GTA news and rumours. As you have probably gathered, there really is very little to go on, and that is down mainly to the secretive nature of Rockstar. We hope they give us something substantial to chew on soon, but until they do, we hope this latest news will tide you over for the time being.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.