GTA V Online Heists: 9 Essential Tips You Need To Know

8. Play Your Class

An RPG-trope you might hear whenever any perk-based multiplayer game the likes of Monster Hunter or Evolve is being discussed, is the idea of 'playing your class', or in this case, knowing your role in the heist as everything pans out. One of the most off-putting things about playing online in general when it comes to anything coordinated, is placing trust in your cohorts to do what's necessary without running off, jumping around too much or otherwise ruining the experience by getting in the way. The first Fleeca Job you'll do for Lester is a relatively simple one designed for two players to get acquainted with each other, and something that's fairly boxed-in when it comes to experimentation - but it'll still give you a perfect idea of how much better things can be pulled off when you know exactly what must be done and can execute accordingly.
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Gaming Editor

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