GTA V Remastered: 10 Reasons To Revisit San Andreas

1. The Paleto Score

When you look back on Grand Theft Auto V's story, there's probably a few missions which stick out in your mind (hopefully, some of them will have featured on this list). Arguably though, there's a mission which stands head and shoulders above the others. The Paleto Score is a heist mission which comes quite late on in the game. The actual heist is a small part of the mission, largely told through a cutscene. The actual mission sees you controlling Trevor and Michael's escape (plus the hired hand you've selected) and to put it bluntly; it's insane. Our heroes emerge from the bank dressed in Juggernaut suits, ready to endure the police assault waiting for them outside. Trevor ups the ante though, wielding a minigun which he uses to destroy a helicopter. Rhino tanks are also flown in as Franklin turns up to help the crew escape in a bulldozer (he carries them in the front loader). They then make their escape to the nearby train tracks via a Cluckin' Bell factory. It's unadulterated mayhem and it's exactly the sort of action that has made the Grand Theft Auto series so highly praised. There's even an optional challenge within the game (needed to get a gold medal in the mission) to cause a million dollars worth of damage - it's clear that Rockstar designed this mission simply to let players cause havoc with a minigun. According to the press release on the new next-gen re-releases, damage to the environment will be more evident; if that's the case, The Paleto Score should be a great showcase of that. Watching the damage a Rhino reaps on a small town would be amazing if the upgrades are as good as they sound and Trevor's minigun might be able to match it. Of course, you won't be able to level the entire town (sadly) but actually seeing the effects of a rocket shell narrowly missing you and plowing into a wall would help increase the action dramatically. Above all other missions, The Paleto Score could benefit drastically from the improvements to the game's graphics and physics. Let's hope Rockstar felt the same way. Is there anything we've missed? Is there a particular moment you're looking forward to revisiting with GTA V? What's the first thing you'll be doing when your copy arrives? Let us know in the comments below!

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.