GTA V: The First 7 Things You Will Do On The Game

6. Cheats

Gta Hydra Next you will really want to go for a test run in this baby. Sure, there is some sort of story that you are supposed to be playing through but you want to see what this game really lets you do. To do that, you will need access to weapons and vehicles out of your reach at this early point. Worry not, you'll be on your Ipad, laptop or phone in seconds, typing in "GTA V cheats" hoping that someone has posted them up, and it is likely they will have done. You will rejoice and quickly punch in the combination for all the weapons you could ever ask for, thinking that you'd better get that body armour while you are at it. Cheats are something that we see less and less in games. Maybe I just shy away from games that would normally facilitate one or I just have never cared to look. They are a relic from a bygone age that don't really have a place in game infrastructure today. We live in a world where there is either the single player, achievements or online matchmaking which just don't accommodate the archaic system. However it works perfectly for Grand Theft Auto - it is such a used feature that it almost adds a 'quick play' feature to the game. I have spent many with friends taking turns to raise chaos. Cheats played an important part in this, and while you are testing the boundaries of the game, I am certain they will for you too.

Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.