GTA VI: 10 Awesome Things That Must Return From V

8. Peyote Plants

GTA V Heist

The Peyote plants dotted around Los Santos are actually named after the real life Peyote cactus, which contain compounds known as "psychoactive alkaloids"; and yes, that does mean what you think it means - they'll make you trip out, big time. A little life tip: if you do ever find yourself in the Mexican deserts, DO NOT drink from the cacti, because you WILL regret it.

Their virtual counterparts have similar effects. If you find one while you're exploring, you can pick it up and eat it. You'll then have an... interesting experience, to say the least. This starts off by blacking out, which is how the best experiences usually go, to be honest.

When you wake up, you'll find that you've turned into an animal, and there are plenty of options to choose from, too. Fancy being a chicken? How about a stingray? Done. 

After this baffling transformation, it's off into the city to talk to people. Oh yes - people still interact with you like you were human, which leads to hilarious results. And if all else fails, you can fly over the military base as a pigeon and watch them scramble the jets - all to shoot down a tiny bird.

Random stuff like this is what makes GTA so interesting and it definitely needs to come back for GTA VI.

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